Putin kuvakadzi veRussia: Unogona kuita bonde nevashanyi veNdebe yeNyika

rakanyorwa Nell Alcantara

Russia’s Vladamir Putin has responded to a call by Russia’s head of parliament’s committee for families Tamara Pletnyova deterring Russian women from having sexual relations with foreign tourists, who will come to the country during the 2018 FIFA World Cup.

Putin dismissed the call, as Russian women should have right to make their own decision. Putin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters, “They can, perhaps, decide it on their own. They are best in the world.”

The Russian head of parliament’s committee for families, Tamara Pletnyova, said on Thursday that when Russian women marry foreigners, the relationships end badly and women are stranded abroad or in Russia but unable to get their children back.

Therefore, she that Russian women should avoid having sex with foreign tourists, who will come to the country during the 2018 FIFA World Cup.

More than 1.5 million tourists are expected to visit Russia during the course of the one-month long World Cup tournament and Pletnyova believes that the women of the country should be be cautious and prevent themselves from engaging in sexual relations.

Her comment comes in response to a question from a radio station about the so-called “Children of the Olympics” after the Moscow Games in 1980, a time when contraceptive methods were not widely popular and available in the country.

The term was used during the Soviet era to describe non-white children conceived at international events after relationships between Russian women and men from Africa, Latin America, or Asia. Many of the children faced discrimination.

“We must give birth to our children. These (mixed-race) kids suffer and have suffered since Soviet times,” Pletnyova told Govorit Moskva radio station.



  • The Russian head of parliament’s committee for families, Tamara Pletnyova, said on Thursday that when Russian women marry foreigners, the relationships end badly and women are stranded abroad or in Russia but unable to get their children back.
  • 5 million tourists are expected to visit Russia during the course of the one-month long World Cup tournament and Pletnyova believes that the women of the country should be be cautious and prevent themselves from engaging in sexual relations.
  • Russia's Vladamir Putin has responded to a call by Russia’s head of parliament’s committee for families Tamara Pletnyova deterring Russian women from having sexual relations with foreign tourists, who will come to the country during the 2018 FIFA World Cup.



Nell Alcantara

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