World Tourism Organisation inotaura nezve njodzi yeNorway

Kutevera zviitiko zvinotyisa muNorway, UN World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) Secretary-General, Taleb Rifai, akataura zvinotevera:

Kutevera zviitiko zvinotyisa muNorway, UN World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) Secretary-General, Taleb Rifai, akataura zvinotevera:

"UNWTO was profoundly shocked by last Friday’s appalling attacks in Norway, which claimed many innocent lives.

Panzvimbo ya UNWTO and the international tourism community, I wish to convey our sincere condolences to all those that have lost loved ones and to the government and people of Norway in this difficult time.”



Linda Hohnholz

Editor mukuru we eTurboNews yakavakirwa muTN HQ.

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